Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Snowy Booth in May

Thanks to great pictures taken by others, (along with some really nice write ups)
I'm able to give you an idea what our booth was like at market:
Here's a great shot of the entrance taken by Kelly of  Ever Kelly.  A fun blog
journaling  her artistic journey and giving some photography tips I need to practice.
  these photos courtesy of  Patty Young - thanks Patty!!!

we featured our new
Antiquity collection
kind of Dr. Zhivago meets Anthropologie.....

this photo and nice write up thanks to Kim at True Up
Everything's white and cream,
with accents of aqua and plum and lots of sparkle and bling.....

........lots and lots of white......
  to pull it all together
 Beautiful quilts all designed by Marinda Stewart
free downloads here

that's Becky at the appointment desk  (maitre d' extraordinaire)

trust me- she's earned the tiarra she's wearing-
she's a pro juggling appointments, accommodating everyone in the nicest way.
we didn't get everyone in the picture but here's just some of the happy faces that..... 
Made this happen!!!
more to come......

Friday, June 18, 2010

Ruffle guys

This has been bouncing around our office email:

Round trip ticket to Spring Quilt Market: $279.00
Hotel for 3 nights:  $547.00
Grande Café Latte right before the 1st day of show:  $9.00
scroll down

Seeing your supervisor in a white ruffled shirt, pink tie, and a pearl neck tag 
(and knowing you’re going to keep this pic forever):
Yeah…you better believe it!!!!!!
now the back story: 
The joke  (we've got a history of  'em at MMF) was on Ben Rubin (left) our international sales manager.  I wish I had a picture of his face when  Michael Steiner (right) the Michael of Michael Miller, knocked on his door, handed him the shirt  and said "see ya downstairs for breakfast." 
I hear the response was total silence.
  Then, "This has gone too far!  My customers will never take me seriously!"
well.. serious or not they pulled it off...

and they weren't the only ones; 
check out that ruffle skirt Christine's wearing.
left to right: Michael Steiner,Debi Porreca,Christine Osmers, Ben Rubin
and then there was the bean bag chair
Ruffles, ruffles everywhere!
check 'em out